MTA - The Mayflower Theatre
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My Story Memory: Hannah Jones remembers seeing Brian Conley for the first time
I saw Brian Conley in Cinderella with my dad and sister. I was 10 or 11 years old at the time. He was performing alongside the lovely Danny la rue. It was magical. What an amazing night. I became a massive fan after seeing him in Panto. The three of us went and waited for him at the stage door. He came out and met us. I was extremely shy and he knelt down to my level and we had a photo taken together. I've adored him ever since. He's an incredible guy with a fab voice and is hugely talented and can be a little cheeky. Lol. He makes me giggle. Bless his heart. I'm so proud of him. I think of him as my big cuddly teddy bear. He means everything to me. I hope that he returns to Southampton soon.
[Mayflower Theatre is important to me] Because it helps me to learn about the performing arts industry and what skills you need to be able to become an actor or actress. A lot of studying is involved and can mean weeks of rehearsals. A lot of voice coaching is important as particular shows require strong or high singing vocals. This could also include long & complicated dance routines. I love the Phantom of the Opera. It's awesome.