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My Story Memory: Sheila Morse remembers seeing her husband (the stage manager) for the first time at Mayflower Theatre




I have so many wonderful memories of this beautiful theatre but the one I will always treasure was Christmas 1993. It was the pantomime Cinderella with Brian Conley. I was front of house supervisor and on the opening night a very handsome man came through from back stage to go through to the foyer, as he passed me he gave me a lovely smile and said good evening to me. He was the Company Stage Manager and 3 years later would become my husband. I worked at the Mayflower for a total of 12 years and saw some fabulous shows and met some wonderful people and as a teenager seeing my idol David Essex in concert I wouldn't have ever imagined that one day I would get to meet him in person. I have more memory's from this wonderful theatre and maybe one day I will share the rest, so until then I just want to say a big thank you to the place that has been in my life for the past 30 years plus. It's given me years of pleasure from the age of 10 seeing Dick Emery (around 1970) to David Essex concerts in the mid 70s but the most important thing was if it hadn't been for the Mayflower I wouldn't have met my wonderful husband Richard and we have been together for 23 years having just celebrated our wedding anniversary at our favourite place watching Robin Hood Panto and a lovely meal at Ovation. Thank you Mayflower.
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My Story   Funding raised by the National Lottery
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